Marketing 101
Marketing 101: How to Make Social Marketing Work for You
Do you find social media marketing frustrating? If you don’t, that’s probably because you haven’t tried it. (Ha!) But, seriously, social media is often a major source of consternation or confusion when we start working with a new client. They wonder, “What channels should I be on?”, “How often should I be posting?”, “Why aren’t […]
Marketing 101: Why You Need Personas + How To Create Them
The basis of good, effective marketing is knowing your audience. How else can you offer them something of value and communicate that value to them? Because you know your business and product, you already have a basic knowledge of your target audience. But if you find yourself asking questions like “How can I be sure […]
Marketing 101: What You Need to Know About Search Marketing
The importance of search marketing has skyrocketed, so much so that it’s become one of our main offerings. Prospective clients often come to us expressing that they know they need search but have no idea how to start. Truthfully, search marketing is challenging; different opinions on “best practices” can be confusing, implementation is often technical […]
Marketing 101: How to Measure & Report Your Marketing Performance
What’s the most effective way to ensure marketing success? Maybe you’d guess a strategy like inbound, content marketing, or retargeting. Perhaps you’d say a strong knowledge of your target audience or a really creative marketing team. While all of these elements are important, the best way to make sure your marketing succeeds for the long […]
What is Marketing Automation, and Do You Need It?
If you’re in the marketing field or own a business, you’ve likely heard the term “marketing automation” before. If it’s baffled you up to this point, or you’re trying to decide if you should be leveraging it, you’ve come to the right place. WHAT IS MARKETING AUTOMATION? “Marketing automation is technology that manages marketing […]
Marketing 101: About Digital Marketing & How to Leverage It
Digital marketing got your head spinning? We’re not going to lie; it can be daunting as a new marketer to understand what digital marketing encompasses—and which aspects you should leverage for your business. We’re here to help! WHAT IS DIGITAL MARKETING? You need to reach people where they are, and people are spending a lot […]
Marketing 101: The Basics of Content Marketing & How to Get Started
Each minute, over half a million tweets are tweeted. About 10 million blogs are posted and 300 billion emails are sent every twenty-four hours. It’s estimated that we see over 4,000 ads per day. It’s a noisy world out there! How can you get seen amid the hubbub? And not only that, how can you […]
Marketing 101: What You Need to Know About Branding & Creating Brand Value
The term “brand” is interpreted many different ways. It’s generally accepted that “brand” is synonymous with “company” or “product.” Under this understanding, McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Nike are “brands.” The elements that make Starbucks Starbucks—such as visual identity, voice, personality, mission, and other differentiators—may also be collectively referred to as that company’s “brand.” While these interpretations […]
Marketing 101: Why You Need a Marketing Plan (and How to Create One)
Do you have a plan, or is your marketing just a shot in the dark? 50% of small businesses do not have a marketing plan. What these organizations don’t know is how significantly the presence—or lack—of a marketing plan can impact their bottom lines. Here’s why you need a marketing plan and how to create […]